Maandamano Impact on the Economy.

The Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) has said that the private sector in Kenya has been losing at least 3 billion shillings daily due to Maandamano organized by Azimio leader Raila Odinga to protest among other things the cost of living. The second phase of the 3 day planned Azimio Maandamano protest continues. With shops […]

Injuries Reported as Anti-Government Protests Escalate

Five individuals are receiving medical treatment at Nakuru Referral Hospital, with four sustaining gunshot wounds and one suffering from cut wounds. Similar incidents have occurred in Migori County, where two people were shot. Protests across the nation have disrupted transportation and business activities. The anti-government protests have taken a violent turn as five individuals are […]

Violence Erupts in Kitengela During Anti-Government Protests”

Police officer injured, protesters shot dead, and property damage reported in Kitengela as demonstrations turn violent Residents express shock at the unprecedented unrest in their neighborhood In the midst of anti-government protests, a police officer in Kitengela has sustained injuries and is undergoing treatment at the sub-county hospital. The town witnessed escalating violence as residents […]