Impeachment Motion Against Nyamira Governor Nyaribo Presented Amid Security Concerns

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  • Nyamira County Assembly faces heightened security measures as an impeachment motion targeting Governor Amos Nyaribo, citing nine allegations of abuse of office, is tabled by Esise MCA Josiah Mang’era.
  • Despite security challenges, 30 MCAs convened to initiate the motion, which now awaits debate and voting next week.

Amid escalated security concerns, Nyamira County Assembly encountered an impeachment motion against Governor Amos Nyaribo, presented by Esise Member of County Assembly (MCA) Josiah Mang’era. The motion, featuring nine allegations of abuse of office, including misuse of public funds, favoritism, and irregular staff recruitment, has set the stage for a forthcoming debate and vote.

Security measures were significantly heightened, with security personnel guarding the assembly grounds following a barricade of the assembly entrance by unidentified individuals using stones the previous night.

Notwithstanding the tension, approximately 30 MCAs managed to convene at the assembly. MCA Mang’era, while presenting the motion, stated, “I now give a notice of motion to consider debate and approve a motion of approval for removal of Governor Nyaribo pursuant to Article 111 of the Kenyan Constitution, Standing Orders number 62.”

The motion alleges various instances of misconduct by Governor Nyaribo, including the misappropriation of public funds and the questionable dispatch of empty containers masquerading as medical supplies.

Nyamira County Assembly Minority Leader Minda Riech emphasized the principled nature of the impeachment, stating, “We have laid our evidence, we have witnesses, who will help us build a case, we are not doing this because of personal reasons with the governor, it is out of our conscience as leaders. It’s only in Nyamira where there are no functional street lights.”

With the motion officially presented, the spotlight now shifts to the Members of the County Assembly, who are scheduled to engage in a debate and vote on the motion in the coming week.

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