Government Prints Over 87,000 Passports Awaiting Collection, Emphasizes Corruption-Free Service

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Immigration and Citizen Services Principal Secretary Julius Bitok announced that more than 87,000 passports have been printed but remain uncollected.

He assured the public of a corruption-free Immigration Department and encouraged swift passport collection.

In a recent consultative meeting with the National
Government Administrative Officers (NGAOs), chaired by
Chief of Staff and Head of Public Service Felix Koskei at the
Kenya School of Government (KSG) in Lower Kabete,
Immigration and Citizen Services Principal Secretary Julius
Bitok made a significant revelation. He disclosed that the
government has completed the printing of over 87000
passports, yet these passports await collection by their
rightful applicants.

Bitok used the occasion to assure the public that the era of
corruption within the Immigration Department is now history while urging Kenyan citizens to visit the facility promptly to collect their passports, underlining the department’s commitment to swift service delivery.

“I want to tell the country that we have been able to turn
around immigrations and that right now Immigration is a
corruption-free zone and that we are doing everything
possible to ensure that Kenyans are able to get their
passports within seven days,” emphasized PS Bitok.

He further reassured the public that no additional fees or
payments are necessary to obtain their passports. This
commitment to efficient, transparent, and corruption-free
passport services is a positive development for citizens.
Moreover, PS Bitok shared insights regarding the upcoming
rollout ofthe national digital system known as Maisha
Namba. He affirmed that this digital identity initiative is on
track and will play a crucial role in eradicating corruption,
enhancing service delivery, and bolstering government

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