Government Withdraws Security from Mama Ngina Kenyatta’s Homes

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Former First Lady Mama Ngina Kenyatta has reportedly had her security detail withdrawn by the government.

Officers from the General Service Unit and Administration Police ordered to leave her Gatundu and Muthaiga homes.

In a surprising turn of events, the government has withdrawn the official security assigned to former First Lady Mama Ngina Kenyatta at her Gatundu and Muthaiga residences. The withdrawal took place at around 5 pm, with officers from the General Service Unit (GSU) and Administration Police (AP) instructed to leave and report to the nearest police station. According to officials, Mama Ngina was not informed in advance about this decision.

Previously, Mama Ngina had a total of 30 officers safeguarding all her premises, with the highest-ranking officer being a chief inspector. However, after a previous recall last year, her security detail was reduced to 8 officers, with the senior-most officer being a senior sergeant. Now, all of the remaining officers have been recalled.

While the timing and political implications of this move remain unclear, an anonymous official stated that the withdrawal was for debriefing purposes and assured that Mama Ngina is entitled to security. The decision is said to have been made with the knowledge of high-level authorities. The officers were recalled on Tuesday at 5 pm from both the Gatundu (Ichaweri) and Muthaiga homes. Mama Ngina was reportedly not given prior notice of the recall.

It’s worth noting that this comes amidst reports of security detail withdrawals for Azimio leaders, including Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka, and Martha Karua. A police source confirmed that the security details of over four governors and more than 50 Azimio MPs were also withdrawn, raising questions about the motives behind these decisions.

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