Coach Odemba Delighted with Junior Starlets’ Stellar Performance in Victory Against Zetech Sparks

0 minutes, 54 seconds Read
  • Junior Starlets defeated Zetech Sparks 65-55 in a thrilling match on Saturday.
  • Coach Odemba was impressed with the team’s performance, saying they played with a lot of heart and determination

The Junior Starlets put on a dominant performance on Saturday, defeating Zetech Sparks 65-55 in a thrilling match. The team led from start to finish, and never looked like relinquishing their advantage.

Coach Odemba was full of praise for his team’s performance, saying they played with a lot of heart and determination. He also said that he was pleased with the way they executed his game plan.

The Junior Starlets are now looking ahead to their next match, which will be against KPA on Wednesday. Coach Odemba is confident that his team can continue their winning streak, and he is looking forward to seeing them compete at the highest level.

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